Archives des COBOTS - RB3D

6A10 cobot, the foundry revolution

Grinding is a tedious task that all professionals seek to mechanize, or even automate. But is it always possible?

At RB3D, we know that it is not because some parts require a powerful, practical and secure tool. It is with this in mind that our 6A10 cobot, grinding assistant, was designed.

6A10, optimized grinding

6A10, le meulage optimisé

As we saw previously, 6A10 grinding cobot has a very advanced control system. However, so much technology is only useful if it provides undeniable ergonomic benefits to the user.

4A350, what’s guidance assistance?

4A350, qu'est-ce que l'assistance au guidage ?

When using the 4A350 manipulator, the operator has guidance assistance. The objective is to allow him not to ask any questions during sensitive handling operations.

4A350, take control

4A350, prenez les commandes

The 4A350 load manipulator is controlled simply and intuitively thanks to its intention bar. This is mounted on force sensors, allowing the cobot to transcribe the user’s intention while moving.